In front of the Montparnasse Tower, a Bouillon Chartier replaced the old 1900 Montparnasse restaurant. It is not a creation but a renaissance of the address, 116 years after its first inauguration by Edouard Chartier. On his benches, Modigliani must have certainly drink absinthes… It is a miracle that this restaurant is so well preserved. It belongs to the category of Bouillons. They are not bistros but popular Parisian restaurants originally intended for employees and renowned for their very good value for money. The first was created in 1860 by Alexandre Duval, where only broths were served.

Thus, those nostalgic who love flamboyances of the Belle Epoque will appreciate the place : wood all in scrolls and interlacing, tulip lamps, statues, ceramics and earthenware, stained glass signed Louis Trézel … It is an Art Nouveau pushed to its paroxysm and sublimated by the decorator Slavik – he redesigned the glass roof in the 70s. The place has been classified as a Historic Monument since 1984.
In fact, Chartier’s return to the initiative of the Joulie group in the Tour Montparnasse. The day after the opening on February 1, the queue was already stretching in front of the counter and its antique percolator.
For those who know the august Bouillon on rue du Faubourg Montmartre, the Chartier Montparnasse formula is the same.
Starting in winter with the vegetable soup (€ 1), the frankfurt / fries (€ 6.50) and many other classics such as duck confit (€ 10.60) or the tasty sauté of veal marengo (11 , 20 €).
Without forgetting a good sensual “baba au Rhum”, generously gorged with rum (4.60 €).
The wine is drawn from the same barrel. That of a benevolent Bacchus with the portfolio of his disciples. Examples: the bottle of Côtes du Rhône Gruber at € 13 or that of Buzet at € 10 without forgetting the delicious Gamay Touraine Marionnet (€ 17). Unless you prefer the pot of IGP Bouches du Rhône Merlot (€ 4.90) which provides good fuel to fuel the debate and conversations that punctuate the atmosphere in this long room.
The place is not recommended for sad figures and other misanthropes. Here you will see life with a ballet of servers always smiling and helpful in choosing your starters, main courses or desserts. Chartier still remains this place of unforeseen encounters. You can enjoy the typically French cuisine, shoulder to shoulder, placed at random over the tables that become available.
The opportunity to share, more than bread and salt, anecdotes or beautiful stories.
Chartier Montparnasse
59, bd du Montparnasse –
75006 Paris –
Tél : 01 45 49 19 00
Métro : Montparnasse-Bienvenüe L4 L6 L12 L13
Bus : L82 L92 L94 L95 L96
Open every Day from 11.30 AM/Midnight
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