Le Tire-Bouchon, -the corkscrew- is a perfect name for this magnificent café on the square Franz Liszt. Nice, original decoration. A curious aquarium divides the room in two parts, the bar on one side, and the restaurant on the other side. No water and no fish inside the aquarium but a sample of French typical wines appreciated in the Parisian bistros for decades. Like for example, the wines of Beaujolais, as Morgon, Chinon, Brouilly, those of Lire River wine like Saumur, and those of southwest wine like Gaillac.

Benoit and Anne run the Tire-Bouchon with efficiency. They have been working, with Ludovic, le Chef for ten years. He’s fond of bistro cooking recipes. Duck confit and cassoulet, or its fabulous terrine, all the plates are home made. Taste the desserts cooked by Samba, the second in charge of pastries, you woll adore its tiramisu.
But with a name like “Tire-Bouchon”, everybody understands that his place is devoted to the wines. Le “Tire-Bouchon” is the kind of bistro where there is each month a new wine to discover, sometimes with the vine-grower. Here you can start a bottle of wine at the bar with friends, and simply take it to your dining table.
The passion of the boss is rugby, as you can imagine seeing the collection of oval balls. He shares the passion with many Native Auvergne bosses of bistros in Paris, who are fond of rugby. And so it could be an interesting experience to come during the Six Nations Rugby Tournament…
But you do not have to love Auvergne, wine or rugby to stop at “Le Tire-Bouchon”. If you like simply having a rest on a large terrace facing the superb Saint-Vincent de Paul church, it will be the right place.
Le Tire-Bouchon
118, rue La Fayette
75010 Paris
01 48 24 58 46
Open from Monday to Saturday
from 7AM to 12PM
Metro : Poissonnière -line 7
Gare du Nord : lines 4 and 5
Menu : 15 € at lunch and 22 € for dinner.